Elegantly Authentic Woman Not Defined By Society

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I am not the docile, soft, forgiving type. You try to fuck over me, disrespect me, rule over me, gaslight me one time- that is it!

I am glad that I am not and have never been a sensitive type of person. I have very thick skin. I am tough as nails, a fighter- a survivor.

Strength comes from inside- not silly tough talk or a rough physical demeanor, or facade.

I am not saying the entire world is this way, but there was always a ridiculous double standard when it came to men defining our actions, attitudes and manner of being when they do not fit into their lie of what a woman is supposed to be.

There are even stupid women and girls who are slaves to these false beliefs. They may be weak, needy, subservient doormats, but this is not the definition of a true woman.

When us women are fierce, aggressive, not afraid to confront a situation, speak our minds, and so on, we are considered angry, emotional, crazy, bitches (in an ignorant derogatory way), hysterical and every other negative excuse to justify the actual reason certain men cannot handle or accept our inborn power.

When a man behaves in the same manner, he is considered ambitious, strong, determined and all the other bullshit stereotypes men are defined to be.

I have always been very outspoken, blunt/direct, opinionated, controversial and I was considered a threat.

Females like me, as well as certain males who stand up for what is right or what they believe in and/or refuse to go along with the “program”, sometimes become targets.

People want to get rid of us, downplay us, or try to destroy our credibility, and so on.

None of the schemes or tactics of specific people who tried to control, manipulate, or whatever other intention they may have had in mind ever scared me or made me want to back down from being the genuine individual that I am and was born to be.

I have really appreciated people who are ” awake”, who are on the level when it comes to intelligence. I have been lucky enough to personally encounter them here within my lifetime as they could relate to me and I to them and we shared the same high mindset.

The majority of the world is lost and in trouble. They have an average or low-scale mentality and are easily influenced or brainwashed by societal culture.

I always had a mind of my own and could think for myself even if it went against the so-called “norm”.

Some of us, especially women, are judged by our outward appearance. Some will have preconceived notions about us without actually knowing us- these are the ones who have to learn the hard way that we are no one to fuck with!