
By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Well its inevitable when you do termite work you are going to hit a few pipes. Normally I think of water pipes not electric. In my 30 years of doing pest control work, I don’t recall hitting an electric line so this week was it. Woo hoo and no injuries, just a breaker that popped.

The problem was we have no idea where the construction people lay the lines. In this case it was diagonal from the water spigot. No chance of knowing where they are and no chance of guessing. You wouldn’t expect lines to criss cross the garage floor, but we hit one in that situation, no where close to any water device.

Termite work can be dangerous, pest control and wiring. Use a reputable company, one that will help if they encounter an issue. Call ProBest today for any termite or pest issues 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176