Electoral College Rules Unfair, Says Will Weatherford, Florida Republican House Speaker

Posted on the 25 January 2013 by Kzawadzki @kzawadzki

“To me, that’s like saying in a football game, ‘We should have only three quarters, because we were winning after three quarters and they beat us in the fourth,’” Weatherford said. “I don’t think we need to change the rules of the game, I think we need to get better.”

Virginia legislators took the first steps to passing the vote allocation measure, with a bill advancing to the state senate on Wednesday. The changes have been endorsed by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, who thinks more states should follow suit.

Like Weatherford, Sen. Ralph Smith (R-Va.) is opposed to messing with Electoral College voting, wary of the long-term, widespread effects the legislation could cause, The Roanoke Times reported.

“What if all states got to skewering it to their advantage?” Smith said.

via Electoral College Rules Unfair, Says Will Weatherford, Florida Republican House Speaker.

It is not just Democrats that oppose the plans to change Electoral College allocation to favor Republicans in states like Virginia, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

There are Republicans speaking out against it, too.

A very refreshing, and needed, reminder for this somewhat-jaded leftist that not every Republican just wants to play dirty.

Keep this in mind, folks, before you go accusing me or Democrats of just being sore-loser hypocrites.

Bullshit is bullshit, no matter what party it’s coming from.