Elder of Ziyon Weekly Column

Posted on the 20 April 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
The Elder was kind enough to publish my second weekly column for EOZ entitled, The Death of the Left.   This is the kind of material that readers of Israel Thrives will be familiar with:
My problem with the progressive-left is not that I am either a conservative or a Republican who opposes western-liberal values, but that the western-left has betrayed its own values, as Phyllis Chesler would certainly understand.
The western Left, as a political movement, claims to believe in universal human rights. It believes that people the world over, in every society, deserve to be treated in a decent and respectful manner consistent with contemporary western ideals of human justice as derived from the political Enlightenment prior to the American and French Revolutions. Progressives also claim to believe in the ideal of multiculturalism. As alleged anti-racists they refuse to condemn social practices or ideologies of "indigenous" peoples - by which they mean anyone who is neither white, nor Jewish - because to do so represents a white imperialist racist imposition onto the natural autonomy of other peoples.
The betrayal of universal human rights by the western-left is nothing less than a betrayal of its own reason to be as a political movement.  The abandonment of women, Gays, Jews, and Christians to the violence and suppression of political Islam is perhaps the greatest unspoken political betrayal of the current century.
Anyway, read the rest.