Eidl Fitr Mubarak!!!

By Kaidarul @KaiDarul

Ramadhan has come to an end. I hope our fasts, sacrifices and ibadah this year were all accepted by the Almighty Allaah.

NOTICE: This post is full of my face. In case you wanna run off. LOL

So, how did you spend your Eid? Mine is pretty boring. I stayed at home all day. First reason is I can’t pray due to monthly visit. Second is I don’t have any houses to visit to. I mean, I am in Iligan City and I don’t know people that much. That makes me miss my hometown so much wherein I can go house to house and eat all day. Lol!

Few days ago, I took the photos posted here. Guess what came into my mind? Tried how my eyes would look like when I wear the niqab (covers the face excluding the eyes).

I chatted with friends all day. I cleaned the house. I packed my things for the upcoming trip to Cebu with my lovely Vidas. *excited* Ah. I did too much in a day. I had to take a nap at around 6pm.

That’s all for the randomness of my Eid. Nothing special. Just me being thankful for all the blessings that the Almighty Allaah has given me.

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