Egg Sandwich & Blog Keeping

By Marensmorsels @marentweets

Hi guys. Boy was I running late this morning.

I didn’t get home from babysitting until 1:30 am.

And let me tell you… I’m one of those people who get a little scary when they don’t get at least 7hrs of sleep. Max loves me despite this negative trait.

Last Night.

I don’t have pictures from last night but it didn’t go exactly like I’d have liked. I really wanted to kick start this week with loads of clean eating, mainly so I’d start feeling better ASAP. Well, the kids wanted In-N-Out Burger so I had a hamburger protein style (no bun) with ketchup and mustard instead of sauce and pickles. I had the french fries. I also munched a few of the left over ones. I LOVE FRIES!

Poor Riley fell down a hill at boy scout camp earlier in the day and his leg was cut up. He kept saying that it really hurt and he asked for baskin robbins after dinner… how can I say no to that? Poor little guy. So I ended up having a scoop of real ice cream. Dairy included.

I finished the night with some Kombucha tea that I’d brought from home.

This really wasn’t sitting well with me because it wasn’t what I was wanting to accomplish yesterday. But I realize this is only 1 day. My splurge at In-N-Out wasn’t bad. I made it pretty nutritious.

Then I thought I NEVER eat ice cream (dairy). I haven’t had any in months so this splurge isn’t awful. Yes, it came on a day where I’d already had a burger and a few fries. And yes, it came on a day where I was emphatically trying to eat clean. But I don’t eat ice cream all the time. This was sort of a one timer. So let it happen, enjoy it (which I did… holy hell delicious!) and move on.

Wheew… I feel better.


I literally made this breakfast in 5 minutes. I think papers and stuff were still hanging in the air after I left, I was such a blur in the kitchen this morning.

I fried an egg in evoo and topped it with salt, pepper and dill. Holy moly! You will make this, and you will crown me the fried egg goddess of health.

Your welcome.

I put it on a slice of toasted sprouted grain bread and 3 slices of deli turkey.

A gala for good fruity measure.

Breakfast was stupid good.

I’m sipping green tea at the office.  breakfast was 90+60+100+100= 350 cal.

House Blog Keeping

A lot has been going on and I’ve done a lot of blog stuff around her’ so I wanted to let you know.

First, my about me page has been updated to better reflect what’s goin’ on here on Maren’s Morsels. Check it out.

Second, I made a weight loss page. I felt kinda weird doing it because I’m not done with my weight loss journey and I don’t feel like mine’s as epic as most of the other bloggers out there. But I felt that it was important to write a little bit about my weight loss past and how I’m approaching everything now. Check it out.

Third, I made a how I eat page. This talks about how I eat (aka diet) and what goes into all of that. Check it out.

Fourth, I have a blog designs business! Check it out. So far I‘ve designed banners/social network buttons and designed blogs for 6 different bloggers. It’s awesome and I love it. I can’t believe so many people like what I can create on the computer and are willing to let me design the looks of their blogs.

Fifth, I am now a Fitfluential Ambassador. I’m so excited. I’ve filled out the form to be one at least 3 other times and every time I never sent it in because I felt I wasn’t good enough of a fitness guru to be part of the group.

There it is… please check out what looks fun to ya.