Education Funding In The State Of Texas

Posted on the 11 April 2018 by Jobsanger

With education being in the news, I thought my fellow Texans might find this interesting. It shows the number of students in Texas schools (K-12) and the funding provided to educate those students. The figures are from the Texas Education Agency.
The minimum salary for a Texas teacher is $28,080. A teacher in a rich school district will make more, but one in a poor school district might have to make do with that. There is longevity pay, but it would take a teacher four years to reach $31,170 and 10 years to reach $38,080. Teachers are certainly not overpaid in Texas.
For reference, a recent survey found that new college graduates in 2016 could expect an average salary of about $50,556. Teachers are paid far below that. Why?