Editor Interview with Sara McCluskey

Posted on the 11 April 2014 by Lauryn April @LaurynApril
My name is Sara McCluskey. It is my goal to provide quality editing at a price the author can afford. I’ve combined my love for reading and writing, my education, and obsession with grammar into a career that benefits myself and the authors I work with.
I am twenty-four years of age and currently working on my Associates in Liberal Arts. After I obtain that degree, my plan is to transfer to a university where I can get my Bachelors in Creative Writing. I live with my husband (and a lot of animals) in the High Desert of California. I spend my free time reading, blogging about books, and writing my own novels. I do like to do non-book related things as well! I love playing my guitar, attempting to dance, video games, and discovering weird movies on Netflix.
What type of stories do you most enjoy editing?Although I will edit any genre, I most enjoy fantasy and paranormal romance. I feel those stories can lack believability, especially if it’s the type where the fantasy elements are ‘new’ to the character. I enjoy assisting the author in areas where they can increase this aspect.
What other books have you edited? The WishingWell Curse by Lynn Donovan (Alt Wit Press) – Content EditingMastemaBlood by Whitney Lee - Content EditingToys andSoldiers by Ashlyn Forgetting – In-Depth CritiqueRunning Backto You by Suzanne Sweeney - Content EditingSecrets Kept by J.L. Mbewe (Alt Wit Press) – Content EditingRunning Into Love: Take a Chance by Annalisa Nicole - Content Editing Curve Day by L.R. Currell – Content EditingConfessions of a Redneck Zomieby L.R. Currell – Content EditingA Dead HorseNamed Caleb by L.R. Currel – Content EditingSoul Consumerby L.R. Currell – Content EditingWhen You Wake Series: Without Knowing by Ashley Parker – Content EditingRunning into Love: I’ll Take a Chance by Annalisa Nicole - Content EditingJustice For All by Cary-Barner-Nelson - Content Editing
Do you work for a company or are you a freelance editor?Both. I have my own “company” which is just myself, called Serendipity Editing. I am also employed through AltWit Press.
What is the best book you’ve read/edited this year?Savage Seduction. I don’t believe it is published yet. The author is Jennifer Woods.
Are your rates affordable for indie authors?I believe so. I also offer payment plans.
What do you charge?$0.0022 per word for copy editing. $0.0033 per word for content editing.  All prices are negotiable.
What are some things you think writers should look for/be wary of when hiring an editor?If they don’t seem professional, then I probably wouldn’t hire them. I make use of contracts and invoices, so as to cover both the author and myself. If they aren’t willing to work with the author and their needs, provide daily to weekly updates, or answer questions after the service is completed, then they probably aren’t very professional.
What things should a writer have done before contacting an editor?Beta readers! I don’t require this, but I do highly suggest finding several beta readers. It’s not because I don’t like to work “hard”, it’s because I don’t want the author to have a lot of re-writing and need even more editing.
Do you have any advice for new writers?Don’t give up! Especially if you get negative reviews, keep pushing forward. I see so many authors pull down their stories due to negative reviews. Sometimes that’s okay, because it needs to be edited professionally or examined. However, if there isn’t anything “wrong” with the novel, just think of it like this: You book found its way to people who are not your target audience. No big deal!
How do you feel about serial commas, and why?
Ah, that’s a tricky question. I leave it up to my author. I inform them about the debate surrounding them, and just tell them that whatever they choose, they need to be consistent.
When you’re not editing what do you like to do?
Read! In fact, when I’m not editing or going to class, I spend most of my time reading. I also enjoy web design, Netflix, and attempting to cook.

Sara McCluskey 
Serendipity Editinghttp://serendipityediting.com