Edible Projects

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

B and I have gotten really into this whole homesteading thing! We’ve kept our own kombucha running for seven months and made three different sourdough breads with our starter (sadly, this guy bit the dust a couple weeks ago).

Our latest project is foraging; B and I went on a forager’s tour of Central Park about a month ago, and B has certainly gotten his money’s worth! Several times a week, he goes to various parks in and around the city and comes back with a bounty of goods.

Last weekend, he returned from an outing with so many blueberries, blackberries and wineberries that he decided to make jam!

The berries were sweet enough on their own that we didn’t even need to add sugar. Nothing in there but fruit!

Is there anything better than homemade jam on homemade bread?

My new project is ‘kraut making. Since I’ve gotten so addicted to sauerkraut, I thought it was high time to make my own! There are kits and special buckets made specifically for fermentation, but I found a recipe that required neither.

Cabbage is a pretty watery vegetable, so after massaging a head of it with a little salt, I stuffed the mixture into four mason jars. All of the fermentation occurs in the jar, below water level, and is left out for 1- 2 weeks or until you’re satisfied with the taste. It’s requires a bit of monitoring, so I hope I don’t mess it up! I’ll keep you posted on its progress.

Thanks to everyone who entered the KeVita giveaway! The winners are the following four entrants:

Congratulations, ladies! Please send me an e-mail with your mailing address.

It’s my day off, so I’m going to take advantage of this lazy day and read in the comfort of an air conditioned bedroom. Have a great day!