Edgar Wright Teams up with BBC Maestro to Teach Filmmaking

By Newguy

Edgar Wright teams up with BBC Maestro to teach Filmmaking

Film Director Edgar Wright photograohed at the Regent Street Cinema in London.

11th August 2022

Photographer Gareth Iwan Jones

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This September, prepare for the ultimate director’s cut into the kinetic mind behind acclaimed works such as Shaun of the Dead, Hot FuzzBaby DriverScott Pilgrim vs The World, and Last Night in Soho. Edgar Wright is one of British cinema’s most celebrated and innovative filmmakers. Now, for the first time ever, he’s turning the camera onto his own production process, covering everything from his signature stylized edits and soundtrack selection to how he approaches his first day on set. Hard-won filmmaking secrets gathered from across Edgar’s extensive career are given a starring role with lessons dedicated to The Craft of WritingStoryboards & AnimaticsCasting & Directing ActorsShooting Action Sequences, and the all-important Getting Your Film Seen.

“In doing this filmmaking course, I hope I am able to impart some wisdom along with a few helpful tools that will aid in your first steps to becoming the filmmaker you know you can be.”

The BBC Maestro platform features a series of extended, in-depth lessons filmed in 4K with an eclectic mix of prestigious experts, and allows participants to indulge in new areas of learning from the comfort of their own home. The commercial online education platform developed and operated by Maestro Media Ltd offers individual courses which can be purchased for £80.

Edgar Wright’s BBC Maestro course on Filmmaking offers a rare opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to benefit from frank advice on the realities and pitfalls that can occur throughout each step of the process; whether it’s a low budget short film, a TV series, or studio-backed feature with multiple A-list stars. “I can promise you that every filmmaker from the big action directors to the first-time indie darlings approach each film they make with a daunting sense of uncertainty”. Throughout the course, Edgar arms viewers with the tips and techniques needed to ensure each day of filming, and the ensuing weeks of editing, run as smoothly as possible.

“There’s no race to the finish line with filmmaking. Hone your craft in whatever amount of time it takes you, and you’ll make your dreams a reality eventually.”

Spanning over 4 hours, Filmmaking brings into focus the idea that the craft is not simply for a chosen few. “I’d assumed wrongly that all directors were born in Hollywood and that Steven Spielberg was dropped off by a stork at Universal Pictures.” Instead, those hoping to hone their practical skills can get started with, and complete an entire project, with nothing more than a smartphone. “That’s the amazing thing about filmmaking. Everyone who works in the craft is able to define the art form on their own terms.” Included within Edgar’s BBC Maestro course is an AMA with filmmaking questions submitted by members of the public and a Q&A with students from the National Film & Television School. Edgar Wright has won over 19 film and TV awards, including Empire Magazine’s Visionary Award (2018), the Audience Award at SXSW for Baby Driver (2017) and a BIFA for Shaun of the Dead (2004).

“I think it’s important for filmmakers to always be challenging themselves and questioning the decisions they are making stylistically. In doing so, your style will be refined and your filmmaking will become stronger.”

Filmmaking is the latest addition to BBC Maestro’s selection of world-class courses. It is the ideal supplement to any filmmakers toolkit. Edgar’s course consists of 27 lessons and is designed for viewers to learn at their own pace. Lessons are accompanied by extensive course notes filled with Edgar’s own musings, viewing recommendations, and practical exercises to help sharpen individual filmmaking skills.

  • The course costs £80 for lifetime access to Wright’s 27 lessons and comprehensive downloadable notes
  • The 27 lessons include – Advice to Aspiring Filmmakers, Genre, Getting Your Film Made, Cinematography, Editing, and TV vs. Features