Ed Erases Our Assumptions ...

Posted on the 07 November 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
If you've not been living under a rock, then you'll know that we have always had a bit of a problem with Ed Sheeran and his outrageous rise to fame. We believed his album, '+', to be massively overhyped and, to be honest, reckoned he was nothing more than a mediocre musician who got more than lucky. However, he has now released I See Fire, his first new piece of music for some time, and from this 5 minutes alone, he has managed to change our thoughts on him.
Don't get us wrong, it's very early days yet, but this song is particularly promising and, whilst we're not completely assured yet, we absolutely love this single, which is set to be part of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
He begins the song with nothing more than his vocal. It is strong enough to be considered a lead - something we've never really thought of Ed before and, when the music does come in and that second vocal comes through, two comparisons come to mind, and two of our favourites crop up. You'll find it hard not to think of Ben Howard when hearing that guitar riff. It is very precise and very skilled. The second comparison, we feel, is in the lighter songs that Biffy Clyro have passed on. Their more acoustic tracks such as God & Satan, are very relevant here and we believe that this could be the inspiration.
Somehow, this track from Ed seems much more sincere than anything he has done previously and, we can't help but find it fascinating and, whilst it does take some time, when it does erupt near-on the end, we absolute adore it and can't help but keep listening.
There's no telling that his next album will be anything like this sort of music, we mean, he may have been asked to do it specifically in this style for The Hobbit movie, but, we know that we think this is brilliant and that, if he continues in the same way, he may have gained a fan in us.