Ecommerce Business Growth Tips 2019

Posted on the 10 March 2019 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

With just a couple of months into 2019, it is never late to learn about the latest tactics that you should follow this year to promote your ecommerce business growth. It is high time that you gather all the relevant data and assess the present trends and behavior of several ecommerce companies that are your competitors. My post about ecommerce business growth tips 2019 will help you in many ways.

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Ecommerce Business Growth Tips

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 It will help you to know the strategies they are following
 You will know how it has affected their business goals
 You will be able to know and assess the consumer behavior
 Be knowledgeable about the competitive nature of the search engines and
 You will be able to make more essential business decisions being aware of the methods to measure up.

This knowledge will further help you to assess the position of your business and use or uncover any possible and effective tactic that you can use to give your business that desired edge. You will have detailed insights from the experience of other business owners as well as ecommerce clients.

Prioritize Your Mobile Traffic

One of the most significant ways to grow your ecommerce business is to prioritize your mobile traffic. You must know that mobile devices are extensively used nowadays to access the internet and therefore you will need to create websites that are perfectly suitable for mobile devices as well as desktop. This will increase your website traffic manifold along with the chances of converting them into potential sales. For this you will simply have to make sure that:

 Your site is properly indexed
 It must be properly designed and formatted
 It must contain all relevant details in its highly responsive design
 It must be very competitive in the SERPs.

Therefore, the call of the hour is to invest in a mobile optimized site that will give you more visitors and provide them with a better and fuller user experience just as they would have got on any desktop.

Mobile First Indexing

You will also have to optimize mobile first indexing if you want a better focus and more traffic to your ecommerce site. If you make the mobile users your priority this year you will not lose sales because according to research it is found that more traffic is coming from mobile devices.

However, to make sure that you optimize your site for the mobile users you must avoid making the most common mistakes that will plague your site with significant problems. The five biggest errors to avoid are:

 4xx error codes as this will reduce the ability of the users to access or utilize your site properly
 Slow page loading speed which will drive your users away being impatient and will in turn impact your SEO negatively
 Problems with mixed content as this will also affect the user experience negatively and reduce their confidence on your website
 Missing or empty title tags as that will prevent Google from identifying your content correctly
 Redirect loops and chains as this will prevent the mobile users from reaching to the desired destination quickly.

Utilize SERP Features

The SERP features are very valuable for all websites whether it is any ecommerce site or any other sites such as or others. If you use the SERP features properly it will help you in several different ways such as:

 It will increase the visibility of your site
 Your site will be more authoritative
 You will get more organic traffic to your site and as a result

 You will have an increased sales and business revenue.

It is found through different research data that the top search results of any website often display a selection of SERP features and some of the most common ones across the globe are:

 Reviews
 Images
 Site links and
 Carousels.

If you use the SERP features properly, you will be able to build trust among the users quickly and at the same time will be able to convey proper value to the audience. The backlink profile Another requirement of this year is to ensure diversity in the backlink profile. This will help Google in prioritizing your site in the ranking algorithm. It will also convey credibility, integrity and quality of your site. Make sure that the backlinks to your site are from high authority domains. This will make your contents highly credible which will once again result in a higher rank in the SERPs. For this you will need to:

 Pay attention to the tactics of your competitors
 Analyze the type of backlinks that seem to be more popular and used frequently
 Follow the examples, tips and advice of the experts and

These steps will ensure that you build a diverse backlink profile for your own site. Invest in technical SEO. In this year you must make sure that your site is technically sound as that will help it to find SEO success. This will also ensure that Google or any other search engine will not have any difficulty in crawling and understanding the content of your site and rank it high in the SERPs. This will ensure a better performance of your site. According to research it is found that an ecommerce site that is more technically sound fared as under:

 It had 80% for crawling ability
 85% better performance in comparison to other sites
 88% more effective for international SEOand
 91% more effective on HTTPS implementation.

However, there is always room for improvement and therefore if you want to perfect your technical SEO then you should focus on the following points:

 Perform a site audit immediately using audit tool to find any problems that may affect your SEO performance
 Focus on the site loading speed to ensure that both users and Google perceive your page well

 Look for minor glitches such as broken links, duplicate errors and others that affect the crawling ability of the search engines negatively.

Lastly, make sure that you utilize the tags to optimize international SEO. These HREFlang tags will explain the language and region content that you may be targeting.

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Marina Thomas is a marketing and communication expert. She also serves as a content developer with many years of experience. She helps clients in long-term wealth plans. She has previously covered an extensive range of topics in her posts, including business debt consolidation and start-ups.