EcoFreek, Your Search Engine for Reusing and Repurposing

Posted on the 27 September 2011 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

In an attempt to broaden the reduce, recycle, reuse mantra, offers web denizens a portal to search for used items that are listed on the web. Numerous sites provide listings for free “stuff”, but sifting through all of them can be time consuming. Classifieds and Craigslist contain a wealth of gently used goods for sale or trade. Physical directories like the ReDirect Guide (which also has an online component) are wonderful, but limited to three cities. Enter Ecofreek, “a search engine that searches the web for free and ‘for swap/trade’ items people no longer need from over 45+ major sources, providing the most diverse and accurate results anywhere in the world.” includes items ranging from sports equipment to seeds and garden supplies. They “encourage people to exchange and re-use items though our search engine and also our ‘places to give things away’ section.” The site’s mission is “to provide a means for people to find items they need while reducing landfill waste.” It is intended for personal use only and is not set up for businesses or profit. The items on are not to be sold.

Interestingly, one of the sites that ecofreek does not search is Freecycle, which requires payment, according to ecofreek’s FAQ page. Since ecofreek is not-for-profit, they do not pay for listings.

For a video introduction to the site, see below:

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