Eco-Trek Episode 3 Video

Posted on the 18 February 2011 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

As we’ve been doing every Friday, today we are featuring what’s new in the Mercedes F-Cell (hydrogen fuel car) World Drive

This leg of the trip goes through Spain where the following cool ideas are being discussed and implemented in order to make the country green.

Beach Garbage Hotel- Madrid:
A brand new hotel has opened in Madrid’s city center made entirely of waste.The walls of the Beach Garbage Hotel, the brainchild of German artist Ha Schult, are made of materials found in landfills, the beaches and even flea markets.
Sun Power:
Spain is paving the way towards solar sustainability and its solar power development has been heralded. The Forum’s photovoltaic pergola is one of the most popular symbols of Barcelona’s new urban architecture, but more than that, it is an emblem of the city’s commitment to renewable energies and sustainability.
Interview with Eco-Architect Enric Ruiz Geli
He incorporates green engineering into his modern buildings such as the Media-TIC building in Barcelona, an information and communication technology hub designed to incubate, generate, exhibit and invite new ideas and developments.
Robotic Fish:
Spain unleashes schools of Oceanic Pollution-Sniffing Robo Fish, to swim in the sea and monitor the level of pollutants coming from its busiest port.

Previous episodes can be found under our Eco-Trek tag,