Ebates Update

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes

I usually don't do these kind of posts, but I've been buying everything I can through this website called Ebates, and had to tell you about it.  I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but if you do any online shopping, or shopping at all, you could be getting cash back for your purchases.
So, the way it works, is you can choose from a list of stores to shop from (everywhere I shop is on there), then you just click the store, Ebates takes you to the store website and keeps track of your purchases.  Each store gives a different percentage back.  Nordstrom (my favorite store) is giving 5% cash back right now.  So of course I had to buy this beauty:

And then I bought these adorable pumps from Macy's and got 5% back there as well!

So I try to buy everything I can online, and if I can't, I go shopping, find what I need, then come home and buy it through Ebates.  I just started using the site, and already I'm getting a check of $58.16 at the end of May just for shopping where I normally would.  There is no catch and I'm watching my money rack up.  If you want to try it, I'd really appreciate you using this link so I get credit:
Try it out!  What do you have to lose?  If you have any questions about the site or the rebates, let me know!