EB Air-Sterionizer-COVID-19 School Safety

Posted on the 07 April 2021 by Ebaircontrol @ebaircontrol

Per a published article, the Science is clear; breathing the same air as others while indoors presents the greatest risk of catching COVID-19, yet experts say that people at large may not be equipped with all the information they need to avoid that threat. As we are getting hammered by the variant wave, it is high time something is done towards School safety

Although schools may have fared better in Ontario or other regions at least compared to other institutions where COVID-19 spread has been faster and at times uncontrolled. Also, to note that schools and other educational institutions were closed most part of the year and education was conducted through “virtual classroom”. That was an active step to stop spread but now that schools have opened or will be opening soon raises the question, are students safe inside classrooms.

Air filtration and purification for virus protection and PM 2.5 particles

One may debate yes and no but the crux of the matter is COVID virus is airborne and can travel as well as remain in the air for time-specific. More so with students returning to classrooms one must be cognizant of flushing indoors of schools with ventilated or sterilized air making viruses or other germs less transmissible.

Analysis of EB Air- Sterionizer fitted indoors suggest that ionizing air is a faster, safer, economical way to mitigating risks of COVID-19 spread given colder weather makes facilities less permissible to bringing outside air at low temperature and then mix with return air to having proper dilution.

Given reality is far from practice, EB Air Sterionizer can offer indoor safety against airborne transmission of viruses and other contaminants and recently with EB Air – Sterionizer being accredited with SARS-Cov2 virus deactivator by an Israeli Lab, makes it the most promising product during servicing during a recent pandemic surge.

Many schools in North America are already benefiting from using this technology hence adopting this in Canada thereby making indoor spaces less risky and vulnerable will usher new hope and spirit to students, teachers as well community at large who are staved off basic liberties of life.

For details on Sterionizer and application to schools, pls contact EB Air Control.