Eating Good is Hard

By Bluecollarworkman @TB_BlueCollar

I always was the kind of guy who would say, “I’ll eat what I want and enjoy life! It’s too short anyway! I’d rather die younger and have enjoyed life than die old but have been miserable.”

My regular lunch

So I ate bacon and eggs and McDonalds. French fries, potato chips, and Mountain Dew. Nachos with everything on them, burgers with everything on them, and pizza with everything on it. And hey, I do physical labor for my job, so I’ve never gotten chubby from it all.

But then I had my daughters. And suddenly I wanted to live long enough to watch them graduate college and walk down the aisle (either or both, whatever makes them happy).

I try to eat better, but man, it’s hard. I love when my wife cooks for our family, it’s great and I know it’s better for me than McDonalds. But for lunch during the day? Or the times when she’s at school so can’t cook? I always turn to fast food. I don’t know how to cook and Burger King is so damn good!

Now that I’m not working night shifts anymore, it’s a little easier to eat better. But it’s still hard. I used to make fun of overweight people when I was younger, but I just can’t anymore. It’s hard to eat good, especially when you work full time (and when grownups make fun of people, it’s sh**ty).

Any other blue collar dudes or chicks out there got any ideas on how to eat better?