Eating Disorders Are NOT a Joke, Lady Gaga

By Tempestra @tempestra1

Earlier this week, Lady Gaga made what we can only presume was a joke on Twitter, when she wrote: ‘Just killed back to back spin classes. Eating a salad dreaming of a cheeseburger #PopSingersDontEat #IWasBornThisWay’

The posting has caused no end of bother.  Some people are arguing that she’s quite within her rights to mock celebs who starve themselves on silly diets, while others say that eating disorders are something that should never be joked about.

Lady Gaga herself has admitted that she used to be a bulimic, obsessed with having a body like ‘a skinny ballerina’’. She is now a well-known champion of body confidence and healthy attitudes to food and exercise.

So, do you think she has gone too far with this tweet?  I’ve thankfully never suffered an eating disorder myself but I have a close friend who did, and I can see how a comment like that from Lady Gaga, someone who is admired by teenage girls over the planet, may have been taken as a positive encouragement NOT to eat by the more impressionable ones.

I, like many others, think that the pressure to look stick thin in today’s society is a real problem.  While I salute Lady Gaga for her stance against it all, I do think she was a little misguided with her ‘joke’ on this particular occasion.