Eat Your Way To Good Health With These 14 Sea Moss Recipes

By Thefoodiecoupleblog

Sea moss, also known as Irish moss, is a type of edible algae or seaweed. It is low in calories and fat and offers a number of health benefits. It can help manage blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, improve metabolism, get rid of the bad bacteria in the gut, and reduce the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

You can find sea moss in both fresh and dried as well as in powder, gel, and capsule forms, so incorporating it into your meals is easy. To get you started, here is a list of 14 delicious sea moss recipes you can try to add more nutritious goodness to your diet!

Use overripe mashed bananas with sea moss gel along and bread loaf staples to create the perfect snack to serve with tea. Slice and serve this banana bread with a light dusting of lakanto sweetener for a zero-calorie alternative to sugar or top it with slices of fresh banana and some cream cheese icing for a show-stopping delight.

This vegan chocolate bark is the perfect indulgence for those on a diet. Simply combine melted high-quality vegan chocolate with sea moss powder and gel, then pour the mixture onto a baking sheet. Next, top it with your desired superfoods, such as nuts, berries, and pepitas, and refrigerate it until it has hardened. Break it into chunks to enjoy!

Start your day off on a good note with this sea moss-infused smoothie. It's super easy to make as you just need to soak sea moss in water, then blend it with some more water to produce sea moss gel. Blend it with all the other ingredients to produce a power-packed breakfast. If you want to speed things up, you can also use prepared sea moss gel.

Add a nice twist to the classic salsa recipe by using nutrient-dense sea moss gel. The recipe also uses an onion paste prepared with red onion, fresh jalapeno, cilantro, garlic paste, sea salt, and cumin powder. Serve this healthy snack with a black bean bowl to sop up all the yummy tastes. It's also wonderful in tacos and as a dip for chips.

Make sea moss gel at home with a fruity twist! Simply blend dry sea moss, spring water, and fruit of your choice in a high-speed blender until you get the desired texture and thickness. You can use this fruit-infused gel to make smoothies and applesauce, and store leftovers in an air-tight container in the fridge for up to 1 month.

Here's an easy guide to making sea moss gel at home with just 2 ingredients! Just soak dried sea moss in water for 12-48 hours, rinse it with spring water to rid it of impurities, and then blend it with fresh spring water until the desired texture is achieved. It's perfect to use in various recipes, from smoothies to soups.

Sea moss is a versatile, multipurpose ingredient that can also be used to make gummies. That's right! In this recipe, sea moss works as a gelatin substitute and is combined with pineapple juice, maraschino cherries, coconut nectar, and agar-agar powder. These sweet and tangy gummies have the same flavor and consistency as the store-bought ones!

A popular dish served on Chinese New Year, this dish is bursting with umami flavors. It uses just a few ingredients like dried oysters, dried sea moss, vegetable oil, and garlic to produce a fragrant dish that everyone will love. You can also add a splash of soy sauce and pair it with warm rice.

This nutrient-dense pudding is great for your health. It uses cacao powder, coconut oil, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, pure vanilla extract, and raw honey to produce a delicious pudding, which is thickened with Irish moss or sea moss. Pour it into mason jars or cups, top it with coconut flakes and berries, and serve.

A popular Jamaican drink, this nutritious beverage also tastes excellent. It's made with sea moss paste, almond milk, vanilla, spices, and your choice of sweetener to produce wonderful flavors and textures. This recipe delivers a single serving, but you can also double or triple the ingredients to prepare a bigger batch.

Here's a creamy, coconutty drink that will boost your health like nothing else. All you have to do is soak a small amount of sea moss in water for a day or two, then blend it until you achieve the desired consistency. You can then add some cinnamon, coconut milk, nutmeg, honey, and vanilla extract, and serve it chilled to enjoy.

This soft-serve ice cream is perfect for cooling down on a hot summer day. Make it with overripe burro bananas, frozen strawberries, agave nectar, key lime juice, sea moss gel, and hemp sea moss milk. It keeps well in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, so you can prepare it on the weekend and enjoy it on the weekdays.

This vegan mousse recipe offers exquisite flavors in every mouthful - and it doesn't even have chocolate! To make, blend parboiled ackee, prepared Irish moss gel, maple syrup, almond milk, and vanilla extract, and then chill to set. You can serve it topped with crushed seafoam candy, nuts, melted chocolate, caramel sauce, or whipped coconut cream.

This summer-friendly slushy is a wonderfully refreshing drink for warm summer afternoons. For this one, you will need to blend sea moss gel with seedless watermelon, strawberries, lime juice, water, light agave nectar, and mint leaves. You can also add a splash of liquor to make a grown-up drink.