Eat Snacks at the Table

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Dave Nevue

Teaching your children how to stay physically active and eat healthy can help them as adults. Teaching healthy habits at a young age can last a lifetime. It has been shown that an overweight child is more likely to be an overweight adult. Being overweight increases many health related diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One way to help your child consume less calories is to have them eat their snacks at the table.

It is easier to consume more calories if you eat while you are watching TV. How many times have you been snacking in front of the TV and not even been hungry? The commercials showing all of these tasty snacks make you crave what they are selling. Commercials are a very powerful selling tool and companies have mastered how to make them efficient.

One rule to make for your family is to not eat while watching TV. It is more likely that someone will not snack as often if they have to get up and sit at a table to eat. If the snacks are easily available it is more likely they will be eaten. Even if a craving occurs it will be easier to stay strong. Not many people would get up during their show to sit at a table to eat a snack.