Eat Real in L.A.

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Attention foodies, gardeners and SoCal locals: this weekend is an awesome event called Eat Real Fest in Culver City.

The event boasts a few of my favorite activities – eating, making and growing.  The food and drinks are local, sustainable and lovingly crafted by passionate people.  You can get your hands dirty with the backyard farmers and learn how to garden on your patio, raise chickens in the city, and make some funky food to take home.

If you’re local, come join the fun.  It’s a free event that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy on the inside (and not just from the handcrafted beer). For everyone else, you should check out the website and see how you can get involved in a local food movement.

I’m excited about this event because it’s got a fun vibe and plenty of sponsors to make a big fuss about it.  What that boils down to is the ability to make a large impact, which is what we really need.  If more of these events happened all over the US, we’d be a happier, healthier country.  And I’m all for that, aren’t you?