Eat, Pray, Love And… Eat!

By Quinninmorocco

Eat, pray, love and… eat!quinninmorocco:

Well, there’s no denying it– I love food! Peace Corps’ blog, Passport, featured a modified version of my post eat pray love. They wanted me to focus a little more on the eating aspect, which wasn’t too much of a stretch. Enjoy!

Eat, pray, love and… eat!Originally posted on Peace Corps Passport:


There is a word in Moroccan Arabic for “hospitality,” but it might as well be “food.” On our first day in the country, the Peace Corps Morocco medical team broke the bad news to us PCVs: on average, they see a 15-pound weight gain over the course of 27 months in country. But just in females, of course. Our reaction was denial. Who has ever heard of a Peace Corps volunteer gaining weight?

Then we met our host families. Denial was no longer an option. On a daily basis, there were fresh fruit juices, savory and sweet tajines—meats, vegetables, and spices named for the terra-cotta dishes in which they are slow-roasted— and hot couscous on Fridays. Holidays saw sweet chebekiya, or fried dough soaked in rose oil and honey, rich white harira, a porridge of sorts, and the most delicious kebab sandwiches that can only be described…

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