Easy Ways to Clean Glitter Stains

By Peppertan

Glitter is awful. I don’t get some people’s fascination with this pixie dust-like substance. It’s not the kind of thing I usually want around me in any way, shape or form. But it has the nasty habit of sticking to your clothes, even when someone who is wearing it casually touches you (or even simply passes by). I hate it when I walk in a bar or a night club and I see people having glitter all over their clothes because they talked to those three girls who thought it would be quite a good idea to make themselves look like fairy slayers. You can immediately spot who has talked to them and how the conversation went based on the amount of glitter that person has on their clothes.

But all of this isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is going back home only to realize that you’ve been yet another victim of the brutality of a girl who doesn’t care even one bit about the fact that someone’s clothes might get ruined. And if you fall under the spell of thinking that you can remove it with your hands and a bit of water, good luck to you, but you should know that you’re only making matters worse. It’s like a curse – it will take more than simple water to break it. Lucky for you, I’m in a generous mood so I will give you something to go on if you have this problem on a regular basis. Maybe you like glitter but want it off your clothes, or maybe you know someone who likes glitter and you want it off your clothes – either way, I can help. It’s not that difficult to remove glitter, actually, even though some of the methods might seem unusual to you.

Removing Glitter from Washable Fabrics

The faster you act, the better. You need to know that time is crucial here. OK, that maybe a bit dramatic, but you know what – this is a dramatic matter, especially if you hate glitter and get it on your favorite shirt either way. If the fabric is washable, that is indeed good news. Spray the fabric with a hair spray (told you it might seem unusual) and spray it well. Make sure you spray all the glitter. Lay it down on a disposable towel and let it dry. When it does, throw it in the washing machine (by itself, of course) and wash it normally. With a bit of luck, the glitter will be gone. If there is lots of it left, try again, but this time use more spray and let it dry out for longer. If there is just a bit of glitter left, proceed to the second method…

Removing Glitter from Unwashable Fabrics

If there is a bit of glitter left after you’ve tried the first method but you don’t think it’s worth the retry, or you have glitter on unwashable fabrics or furniture, here’s what you would need to do. You either need to grab some sticky tape, or a lint roller. If you resort to lint roller, use as intended – it should be able to remove the glitter. If you use sticky tape, then you should wrap it around something (even your hand will do) with the sticky side out and use it as a lint roller (the principle is basically the same either way). You can use the same method for removing glitter from furniture, as well, but it’s advisable that you vacuum first. That’s about all you need to know for defeating this annoying foe. Now go ahead and deal with this.

Author Bio: July Minor works as a manager of PerfectCleaning London and she loves cleaning technologies and techniques.