We are forever topping up our electric meter, the meters were already installed when we moved in and so we left them. But now we are looking into whether or not having them or having them removed will actually save us money.
We spent a slight fortune each week on electricity and we are looking to make changes to save our energy usage.
Many households in the UK are looking at ways that they can save money and your electricity bill is one of those that falls into the utility bills section.
I wanted to list the steps that I am personally taking to reduce our own energy usage:
Get the household involved
I feel like I am forever shouting “Is this Blackpool illuminations” at my kids. They are terrible for leaving lights on when they leave a room.
I am now teaching them the importance of turning off unused electrical items too, not only for safety and environmental reasons, but by teaching them that money does not grow on trees and we all need to look at ways to save money in the household.
Something as simple as switching off lights and the TV when not in use can help.
Speak With Your Provider
While you may think that your energy provider does not care, in fact they can be quite helpful. If they are not helpful then maybe it’s time to change providers.
The energy provider E.ON offers its customers access to an Saving Energy Toolkit which is a great resource. It lets customers compare their usage with other local users so that you can see how you’re performing in relation to your peers. Neighbourly rivalry is something which is fairly common and being able to compare yourself to the Joneses could give you the incentive you need to make changes at home that reduce the amount of energy you use.
Look At Wastage
Instead of having the heating on for 2 hours we have set a timer, that way once the house is heated the heating turns itself off. This is cutting a lot of energy usage as I feel the cold and the heating is always on.
I noticed that heat was escaping through the front door, so we have hung a thick curtain to help.
More than 35% of people in the UK believe that they are paying too much to heat their homes. But with simple steps we can reduce the waste. Installing double glazing can make a huge difference, which we do have but we have also re sealed the windows with a cheap and easy sealant.
Simpler ways of reducing energy consumption include using thicker curtains and closing doors to ensure that the heat in your home is kept in.
Have you ever stopped to think about your energy usage and looked at how you can reduce the cost?
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