Easy Step-By-Step Multivariate Testing

Posted on the 18 October 2012 by Yogeshvashist98 @YogeshVashist98

Seven minutes.

This is the average attention span of a typical audience or reader. Public speakers, performers or book writers therefore usually have enough time to have the attention of their punters latched on their works.

But web developers do not have this luxury of time. In fact, studies show that the emergence of Google and major search engines had prompted website visitors to spare less than a second to judge the value of a certain website.

Few milliseconds are all that’s left to interest online viewers into navigating the website.

Truth is, the duty of crafting the website to make it more appealing to snappy visitors lies in the hands of designers and web developers. While the cyber competition used to be concentrated in producing pleasing aesthetics, what matters now is the ability of a site to motivate audiences into taking an action – buying, signing up for subscription, download a trial, etc.

It is in this context that multivariate testing becomes beneficial. Here are some of the easy to follow steps in using the tool to generate more sales, stir greater action, and acquire higher conversion rates.

1. Set your goals.

A website can have all the necessary ingredients: from prominent product name on the banner to testimonials, catchy download button, and comprehensive catalogue, but this doesn’t guarantee success.

Every website encounter problem in certain “departments.” The issue could either be on the traffic or conversion. As such, it is imperative to draw the problem prior to the test. The goal you set could be any of the following:

-  increase the number of subscribers or sign-ups

-  reduce bounce rates

-  acquire more leads from landing pages

-  get more people to download trials

-  optimize purchases and sales

2. Determine potential solutions to the setback

Alongside, you can weigh the answers to the following questions:

-  Does the sign up form come with appropriate length? Would a shorter version help increase the number of subscriptions?

-  Is the download button noticeable?

-  Does the headline contain unfathomable language or is it too generic?

-  Would the consumers know what they should do when they arrive at the landing page?

3. Run the test and observe the right metrics

Gauging the effectiveness of the variants depends on the metrics you have adopted for the experiment. It is important to test the right elements. If you plan to check the how your site layout can affect conversion rates, then you may including banners, calls to action, texts, and images in multivariate testing.

Be clear on your metric to arrive at a sound conclusion. During the experiment, it is also a must to ensure that the test is continuous and hitch-free.

4. Analyze results and implement the designs