Easy Peasy Spaghetti with Leftovers and Produce From Our Garden

Posted on the 01 February 2014 by Cheekymeeky

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Last week, we had an abundance of cherry tomatoes growing wildly on our lawn. We also have a basil plant that’s been growing well.

Because of Piglet’s destructive tendencies, we knew we better pluck out all the cherry tomatoes at once. And that turned out to be such a wise decision. Almost the very next day, Piglet uprooted that plant completely, and this is probably our one and only harvest of cherry tomatoes .

A few that the snubnose plucked and showed off

For the first time in my life, I found myself cooking with stuff grown in our own little yard and it was such a fun experience. I winged it for the most part.

You may be forgiven for thinking that I cook nothing but pasta. It’s true though. We love it, and because I always need to finish up leftover ingredients, I cook Italian almost every weekend.

This weekend I wanted to finish everything that has been hanging on for too long in our fridge.

I threw together a bunch of mushrooms, all the cherry tomatoes, some leftover Alfredo sauce, and our homemade pesto sauce (pesto sauce recipe here). Here’s the result

It was totally yummilicious.

Here’s the complete recipe. Hope you like it

Easy Peasy Spaghetti with Leftovers and Our Garden Produce Print

Cuisine: Italian Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins Serves: 4 Ingredients
  • Two handfulls of cherry tomatoes
  • One box of mushrooms
  • Garlic 2-4 pods
  • One cup of alfredo sauce
  • Couple of tablespoons of pesto sauce
  • Spaghetti
  • Olive oil 2-4 tablespoons
  • Grated parmesan cheese
  • Generic Italian seasoning
  1. Cook the spaghetti till al dente. Drain and keep aside.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add the garlic. Fry till brown.
  3. Add the chopped cherry tomatoes, close the lid, and let cook a couple of minutes.
  4. Add the chopped mushrooms, stir it around a bit. Add salt.
  5. Add the alfredo sauce, stir it around a bit till it’s well mixed in with the tomatoes.
  6. Add the pesto, mix.
  7. Use Italian seasoning (optional) to get more flavor.
  8. Add the spaghetti. Mix well, and cook on a low flame in the closed vessel till everything is nicely mixed in together.
  9. Garnish with grated parmesan.