I have an extremely easy, fuss free delicious vegetarian savoury recipe to share and it takes me only 10 minutes to assemble!!! And the oven will do the rest of the cooking...
Quick and easy Mushroom Frittata
When I first saw this recipe from Donna Hay Magazine, I know that I'm going to love it because it is so fuss free and easy! All I have to do is to sear the mushrooms, assemble all in the ramekins, bake and dinner is ready in about 40 mins! 40 mins? Yup! In fact, 30 of the total 40 mins is actually the baking time and so this means that you can do something else or simply do nothing! ... while the frittata is baking in the oven. Isn't this easy??? So easy that I tell myself that I have to share this recipe and I hope that you will like it too :)To bake this mushroom frittata, you need to have these mushrooms.
Any mushrooms? Yup!
Preferably the firm kind with less water content like the button, Swiss brown, king or Shimeji.
Beside the mushrooms, you can add any fresh and non-woody herbs like tarragon or parsley.
Any cheese? Yup! You can add any cheese that you like too.
Preferably the firm and flavoursome types like this Fontina, gruyère or Taleggio.
And the base contains 6 eggs plus 1 cup of cream.
Here's my one-minute video showing how I baked these mushroom frittata and you can see that it is really so so so easy!
"Mum, can we buy free range eggs? asked my son when we were shopping for eggs. "I felt sorry for the caged chicken and I want them to be happy."
Yes, baby... I hear you.
I must admit that I wasn't in my right mind when I bought eggs, chicken and other meats without considering the welfare of the animals. Now, I'm glad that I have been fully converted.Yes that I must admit too that I have not been strong enough to be a vegan. Knowing our limitations, my son and I thought that the least that we can do is to support the farms that follow the correct code of practice of raising maximum of 1500 hens per hectare and buy meats that are at least RSPCA approved. Hope that you will hear us and use free range eggs to bake this recipe too :)Here's the recipe that is adapted from Donna Hay Magazine, Issue 88 Aug / Sep 2016
Makes four serves in ramekins, about 350ml capacity each
3 tbsp vegetable oilabout 2 cups (500ml) any mushrooms, thickly sliced or halved (I used a mixture of shimeji baby king oyster and Swiss brown mushrooms)
3 tbsp any non-woody herbs like parsley or tarragon, roughly chopped
6 large eggs preferably free-range, lightly beaten
1 cup (250ml) cream with 35% fat
150g any cheese, preferably the firm and flavoursome kind like Fontina, gruyère or Taleggio, sliced
salt and pepper to season
vegetable oil spray to grease
Preheat oven to 200°C / 400°F. Grease the inside of the ramekins with cooking oil spray.
Heat oil in a flat frying pan over very high heat. Sear the mushrooms in batches on each side of the mushrooms for 2-3 mins until the mushrooms are golden and form a nice caramelized crust without releasing their water content.
Place the seared mushrooms and herbs together in a bowl and season with salt and pepper.
Add eggs and cream into a large mixing bowl and whisk to combine. Season with salt and pepper.
Divide egg mixture into 4 equal portions and pour each portion into one ramekin. Divide the mushrooms and cheese into 4 equal portions too. Stop adding if the ramekin is too full as the ramekin should not be more than 85% filled.
Bake for 30 mins or until golden brown and fully set. The frittata will puff up while they are baking and sink in their middle when they are cooled at room temperature. Serve immediately when the frittata is freshly baked and warm.
Less time to cook. More time to rest? ...
this is why I reckon that this is Happy Baking too :)Please support me and like me at Facebook...