Easy Breezy

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__

Dress TopshopTop PrimarkSandals Birkenstocks (via TK Maxx)Sunglasses Urban OutfittersBag ASOS

To me, there's nothing better than throwing on a slightly oversized denim shift and sandals, finding a sunny pub garden and catching up with friends. Bliss!I picked up these Birkenstocks from TK Maxx for £29.99, around half the price of buying them elsewhere. I love TK Maxx (and it's sister store Home Sense) for bargain homewares, but more recently have found myself browsing the footwear aisles and workout gear. Think top brands (and some lesser-known) on offer for a fraction of the price. You may need to have a little dig around, but it'll be worth it!