Easy Bananas Foster with Homemade Caramel Sauce

By Pavani @napavani
Blogging Marathon#65: Week 2/ Day 3 Theme: 1 Sauce -- 2 Dishes
Dish: Easy Bananas Foster with Homemade caramel sauce For the final day of this week's marathon, I have a very simple and very delicious dessert with banana, caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream. It is called Bananas Foster and is a dish that was created in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Easy Bananas Foster with Homemade caramel sauce Traditionally bananas are cooked in butter and sugar until browned and then alcohol (rum or banana liqueur) is added and ignited. This cooking process of adding alcohol to a hot pan and creating a burst of flame is called Flambé (which means flamed in French). This dish puts on quite a show when served this way. But today's recipe doesn't have any alcohol or the special effects in it.
I saw Giada making this easy recipe on Food Network and it has been on my to-make list for a very very long time. Finally got around to make it with the homemade caramel sauce.
Easy Bananas Foster with Homemade caramel sauce It is important that the bananas are just ripe otherwise they might fall apart when cooked. The caramel bananas are then served over vanilla ice cream for an absolutely delicious treat. My kids went gaga over this dessert and the good part is it can be whipped up in no time if you have some caramel sauce in the fridge.
Recipe from Food Network:
Bananas Foster Ingredients:
  • 1 Medium Banana, sliced
  • 1/4tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 2~3tbsp Caramel Sauce (homemade or storebought)
  • As needed Vanilla Ice Cream
  • As needed Mini Chocolate Chips, for garnish
  • As needed Sliced Almonds, for garnish
  • 1tbsp Unsalted Butter
  1. In a nonstick pan, melt the butter and add the banana slices. Cook on medium-high heat until lightly browned on one side.
  2. Gently flip the bananas and cook on the other side until browned. Sprinkle the ground cinnamon and gently mix.
  3. Finally stir the caramel sauce and turn off the heat.
  4. To serve: Scoop ice cream into serving bowl, top it with the caramel banana, chocolate chips or almonds and serve right away.

Lets check out what my fellow marathoners have cooked today for BM# 65.