Eastern European Red Potato Salad

By Ally @allykitchen

Healthy Potato Salad

Taste this Eastern European red potato salad with fresh dill and cucumbers in a creamy Greek yogurt sauce and you'll make it your picnic favorite!

Salads. Usually really healthy because we're talking greens. But what do you do when you want a healthy potato salad. Well, you might just try this recipe!

Yogurt Potatoes

Yogurt potatoes are healthier than mayonnaise potatoes. And, that's what potato salad is. A creaminess in the potatoes and whatever else you put into this dish. Wait til you taste the crunchy cucumbers and dill with the yogurt potatoes.

Red Potato Salad

You don't want to make your potato salad with starchy potatoes like Russets. That's because they tend to crumble and fall apart when cooking. The best potatoes for a potato salad are red potatoes. You can leave the skins on. It adds more nutrients, plus it saves a peeling the potatoes step. Other good potatoes are fingerlings and new potatoes.

Sour Cream Potato Salad

If you don't want to use Greek yogurt in this recipe, you can surely substitute sour cream. Your potato salad will be just a fabulous. Just think of your baked potato. If you're like me, you put a big dollop of sour cream on it and then mash it into the tender hot potato. Well, this is kind of the same, but your potatoes are in big chunks.

Potato Salad with Dill

Rather than mayonnaise, usually oil and vinegar is used. With this version, I'm bringing together some Southern'ness' to it with a little mayo, some Mediterranean infusion with Greek plain yogurt, and, of course, olive oil and lemon juice.

But, the star of this potato salad is not the potatoes, it's the dill and cucumbers! Yes, unexpected, and ever so wonderful on the palate with its texture and taste. You can serve this warm or cold. It really doesn't matter because it's good all the way around! Here's to adventurous palates.

Greek Potato Salad Yogurt

Yes, always a welcome on my table is a bowl or platter of Greek potato salad with yogurt. I'm hoping you'll be serving it, too. This eastern European red potato dill yogurt salad, similar to a Greek potato salad, is sure to be popular. It's a version of potato salad that comes from eastern European countries where different flavors combine to bring together a luscious creamy flavor profile.

Potato Dill Salad

The delicious potato and dill go perfectly together. And, this type of salad is quite simple to make. It's best to let it refrigerate a few hours before serving, or even overnight. And, make sure you have lots of fresh dill. It just makes the other ingredients explode with more flavor!

Russian Potato Salad

The Russian potato salad and my Eastern European potato salad have commonalities. Mom would make potato salad so very differently from the American version. Hers was a Slavic Eastern European type because my Mom was Croatian. Yes, my grandparents came to the United States in the early 20th century. And, they brought with them their culture, traditions and foods.

~peace~ xoxo ally