Easter Nest
1/2 C Warm NOT HOT Water
2 1/4 C Yeast
1 T Sugar
1 1/2 C Warm NOT HOT water
1/3 C Country Crock Butter Melted
4 C Flour
6 T Sugar
2 Tsp Salt
Put in your half cup of warm NOT hot water, add your yeast and 1 T of sugar. Let it dissolve and sit for 5 minutes. It should be foamy. Next add your 1 1/2 C warm water, 1/3 Cup of Country Crock Butter, flour, sugar and salt. Combine till it forms a ball of dough. Take it out and let it rise in a greased bowl till its doubled. Next divide your dough into 4 pieces. Set three aside. Take the piece and divide it into three pieces. Make ropes out of each. Braid it and make a circle. Do it to each of the other three. Put it on a baking sheet to rise for about 15 minutes. Once it has risen a little bit, put it in a 350 degree oven till they are golden brown. Take them out and let them cool. Brush the outside with honey. Once they are cool take a circle cookie cutter or a glass jelly jar and take out the middle. Then add your Peep and chocolate eggs if you wish.