Easter: Minute to Win It Games!

By Simplyhomeschool
Today for our Science co-op we played Easter Minute to Win It games! That's physics, right? We went to The Dollar Store and picked up some Easter supplies. Once we got we home we had fun making up games and then I typed them up. Just like in the game show the children had one minute to complete each game. We did teams for some of them for the sake of time.

The children had to use their, 'Bunny ears' to put the eggs in order based on how many jelly beans were in each egg. We did 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, but you could do more if you have older children!P.S. Make sure to tape the eggs shut or they WILL fly open and jelly beans will fly everywhere.   Our pug was delighted.

We used this cute egg-shaped chalk for the next game. The children had one minute to draw an Easter basket and fill it with 5 eggs.   
For the, 'Bunny Toss' the children had to toss six Frisbees into a hula hoop.

 This one was soooo cute. The children had one minute to dress up all the peeps. I found these cute little dress up Peeper Dolls and outfits at the wonderful Sandy Toes and Popsicle blog. The boy's did not love this one. As you can see we were low on color ink...they will print much brighter.
For, 'Spring Fling' they had to use a marble and roll it through a pool noodle and knock down a stack of five cups.  The boys figured out they could blow through the noodle to make the marble go faster. Hopefully we find all the marbles before the first lawn mowing of Spring:)

This one was definitely the funniest. The children had to use their face muscles to move a marshmallow peep from their foreheads to their mouths. They made some hilarious faces!!!
This was actually one of the most difficult games. The object was to bounce five pencils into the cup. Not as easy as it sounds!
 The children had to complete each Easter maze within a minute. They did an aMAZEing job (heh-heh).

The children had to blow up a balloon and use it to keep the bird's wings moving for 10 consecutive seconds. Even little Alec got in on this one!

We used 26 Easter colored cups and they had to stack them and take them down in under a minute. I just love Cason's look of pure joy in the first picture and Elle's intense look of concentration.

No pictures of this one, but they had to find 11 eggs and arrange the letters within to spell out Happy Easter.
   Very blurry scorecard. We just checked each event if they won it.
 So that's it! The kids had a blast and we had a lot of fun watching them!    We have a lot of fun during the Easter season but also make sure we do not forget what Easter really means. The absolute best Bible I have found for the children is the Jesus Storybook Bible. It tells the Easter story in such a perfect way for little ears (and big ones). I always boo-hoo when I read it to my little sweeties. 
   Happy Easter!.