Easter Gifts – Fuzzikins Bedtime Bunnies

By Evette Garside @evette77

Not every child enjoys heaps of chocolate and sweets and not every child can eat chocolate due to various allergies and intolerances. Plus it's always nice to give that extra small gift at Easter time and also give kids something to do during the school break.

Fuzzikins have this gorgeous cute and inexpensive bunny set which has a cool Easter feel and makes a lovely alternative gift to chocolate.

To be honest there isn't really much to it. It's just a really nice surprise and especially so for a little girl.

Inside the box are 3 bunnies. Each is a different size so they look like a little family. There are also some special pens which work on fabric and various bits and pieces to decorate and use with the bunnies.

Using the included pens, the bunnies can be decorated and drawn on any way you wish. They can also be washed and wiped if your not happy first time round. There's also stickers to stick on them and little sacks, eye masks and other bits for them to go to bed in.

There are 3 little bags, each one for each bunny, it's all so cute. The kit costs just £9.99 and will last much much longer than chocolate eggs. It's suitable for children ages 4 and over.