Easter Fun

By Nonibaumann
this is now a little overload of some favorite and fun easter projects I found the last days. asked me a few years ago, I was more the "less is more" type of person and you may had get a different sight on things. I blame Emmi, I don`t know what she done to me, but since her I´m a total decorating freak...I think this seasonal deco things just make home feel even a bit more cosy, loved and familiar, I guess:)...
anyways, here we go:
1 little egg sculptures, aren`t they cute ( I loooove Bauhaus art, this reminds me a bit on Schlemmer )/ 2 how sweet is this, plant sth. into eggs / 3 pinata eggs, so lovely!/ 4 pastell neon gold glitter eggs! / 5 this bunny ear bag is so simple and awesome, oh happy day is one of my favorite DIY Blogs/ 6 I definetely have to make some easter bread/ 7 this toast is just perfect with breakfast in bed with the whole family, that`s going to be fun!
Ok still one week to go till we have holidays around here, but also still some things that have to be prepared....
Getting sleepover guests over the weekend, our sweet freinds with kids are coming, so I´m going to be off the most time, but can`t wait to see what you shared on falling for friday and also linking up again on loves on a thursday.
(see sidebar buttons)
have a happy weekend!