HAPPY EASTER to all who celebrate it!
We’ve been having a wonderful time with our grand-daughter Mykaela, who delighted in an easter egg hunt in our garden and is sharing some bounty with her mom in the above photo.
With the abundance of chocolate eggs everywhere, I thought I’d share an interesting article that I found at the Chocolate Trading Co, explaining the History of chocolate Easter Eggs. Apparently “Modern symbols of Easter, such as the egg and the bunny, have their origins in paganism. Rabbits were the most potent symbol of fertility and the egg, the start of all life, was often thought to have magical powers”.
So in honor of real eggs, here is an image of a hen’s egg, backlit by a torch and touched by a fingertip. It formed part of a low light, slow shutter speed photo shoot, which explored the senses and offered an unusual perspective on some ‘everyday’ things – one of the pleasures constantly available to us via photography.
Finger touching Egg - www.ovpimaging.com
And now for the chocolate lovers among you, here is a studio pic that’s perhaps more to your taste – a basket of easter eggs photographed on our light table (one of the best investments ever for product photography) with the help of two soft-boxes and an additional light from below; all three lights flashing in sync:
Easter Eggs in a basket - www.ovpimaging.com
Dave was busy with our video cameras during the easter egg hunt, doing a preliminary shoot-out between the Canon XF100 and Canon XF300. These two masterpieces are more than worthy of a dedicated article, which he will be publishing soon, so I’ll be sharing that for anyone interested.
In the meantime, we wish you all a magical day, full of memorable moments, captured for the fun of it with a handy camera