Easter Bunnies in France? Nope, But There is Chocolate

By Coreyamaro


My brother Marty and I.

Easter 1961

We had matching sailors outfits. I wore a bonnet, gloves and carried a white patine purse. Easter meant new clothes for church, waking up early and running outside, searching for our Easter baskets in the garden, mine was by the purple irises. Easter meant hard-boiled eggs dyed in bright colors. The colors I liked, the eggs not so much.

Easter in France means the church bells ring and ring and ring, there isn't an Easter bunny here, it is the church bells that spread the chocolates far and wide! We live next to the church yet I have never seen any Chocolates fly by. 

Sacha and Chelsea are home. Sacha informed me that he expected Easter eggs and a chocolate bunny. Did he really think I would forget?

Personal news: Thierry is doing a million times better and I hope it lasts forever. Jean Luc has started to walk. Both of them appreciate all that you have offered. Annie is doing well too. Thank you for the many cards, Annie loves them. My family back home are fine. Life is sweet these days and I am thankful. 

What about you? How are you?