Easter Breads

By Expatcucina

This Sunday we will celebrate Easter! Like last year my friend and I will gather together for a home-style Easter brunch. Each of us will bring a dish and we will spend the day together eating, drinking and playing games.

Here a couple of Easter bread ideas for you to make. Cross buns and Egg nest They both use my easy brioche bread dough.

Ingredients for the brioche bread:

for the sponge
  • 50 g of all purpose or bread flour
  • 2 tbsp dry instant yeast
  • 65 ml whole fat milk
  • 1 tbsp sugar
for the bread
  • 200 g all purpose or bread flour
  • 60 ml whole fat milk
  • 40 g sugar
  • 100 g dry raisins
  • 50 g candied fruits
  • 45 g butter
  • 2 small eggs
for the egg/milk wash additional

So prepare the dough as per instructions then once it's ready divide it into 2 part.

Use the first half to make the cross-bun. Divide the tough into small pieces (about 40 gr each)

Using your hand tacked each ball at the bottom, pushing down the side until you get a smooth round shape. Use the last couple of portion to make the cross that you will place on top of your buns.

Brush them with egg/milk wash and bake at 180 for about 20 min.

For the egg nest, divide the dough into small portions (40 grs each), divide each into 2 pieces and roll each into long strips, about 15 cm. Braid them together and place one hard boiled egg in the center of the nest.

Brush them with the egg/milk wash and bake at 180 C for about 20 min.

Happy Easter!


- LittleDani