Earth First! Journal Art Auction Update!

Posted on the 03 December 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Art Auction poster, created by Inkat

The 1st Annual Earth First! Journal Art Auction has been open for a week, and we’re happy to say that the bidding and buying is hoppin’ like bare feet on fire ants! You can see the auction here, or view a gallery of larger images here.

Lots of bids have been placed, and quite a few pieces have been bought outright, but because of registration complications early on, and because more artwork keeps rolling in, we’ve decided to extend the auction! We added 10 new items and are extending the online event for one week. All sales will wrap up on Friday, December 13.

There has been some trouble-shooting with our auction site, and we apologize for the inconveniences! We have updated the registration process to not require a confirmation email, which has fixed most of the problems folks were having.

So if you’ve had issues registering, please try again! If you continue having issues you can send an email to: collective[at]earthfirstjournal[dot]org. If you are brought to a page that tells you that “you broke the internet,” refresh your page and try again.

The art auction is now host to 60 original art and craft donations from artists in the states and abroad. The auction includes art that was created specifically for our fundraising event as well as art previously created by artists that are throwing down to help the Earth First! Journal. The proceeds from the auction will go directly to our $30,000 fundraising goal to get the EF! Journal back to the presses.

Between our international art auction and a smashingly awesome weekend at the Earth First! Film Fest we are feeling supported by our local and global community. But truth be told, we have to raise at least double what we have so far in order to continue producing the Earth First! Journal magazine in 2014. Printing and mailing costs are the bulk of our expenses, making plenty of people suggest we go out of print like the rest of them. In response we pie their faces and remind the world that print media IS important! For the readers that don’t have access to the internet, don’t like reading in length on the internet or would rather read on the shitter… there are many people and reasons to support independent print media. The Earth First! Journal Collective is committed to staying in print. Support our efforts today by subscribing to our quarterly magazine, bidding on or buying some badass art or making a donation in support of all our media projects: the Earth First! Newswire, Earth First! Newsletters, Earth First! Speakers Bureau, Earth First! Prisoner Support Project and more. Thanks!
For the Wild,

The Earth First! Journal Collective

Heron’s Dance by Asante Riverwind, a new piece in the Art Auction

“Evolution of Revolution” signed posters by Harmut Kiewert were recently added to the Art Auction.

“Resistance to the Destruction” by Nathan Patches Pim, the newest edition to the Earth First! Journal Art Auction