Earth Day 2011 ... and Home Grown Tomatoes

By Daylehayes
To celebrate Earth Day 2011 and continue our focus on Family Garden Fun, we're offering a tip a day for your family through Cinco Day Mayo.

Feliz Día de la Tierra ...

The refrain from an old John Denver song suggests that there’s “only two things that money can’t buy and that’s true love and homegrown tomatoes.” Although you may find homegrown tomatoes in your farmer’s markets this summer, you can’t ever buy the pride and joy of picking and eating a tomato grown in your own garden!

Family gardens bring many other pleasures to both adults and children - such as working together in the sun and maybe the rain; digging in the dirt with wiggly worms; watching things grow and change; and, most of all, learning to eat the freshest produce on the planet.

In so many ways, gardening is the best possible combination of nutrition and physical activity.