Early Garlic

By Scarecrow
Update: March Week 2 :
Some volunteer Nasturtium seedlings were removed from Bed 4 to make room for an early crop of Garlic. The idea is that by the time the Garlic is growing strongly the Brassica Greens (Mizuna, Red Choi, Bekana and Rapini) will has finished production and been harvested.
Temperatures this week:
Lowest Min 7.1C
Highest Max 32C
No Recorded Rainfall
Beetroot Beta vulgaris
  • Bulls Blood from New Gippsland Seeds
  • Heirloom Mix from Diggers
  • Forono from DT Brown
Carrot Early Nantes Daucas carota from Mr Fothergill's into a wicking box
Onion Allium cepa
  • Red Rossa from Grower's Pride - a favorite and reliable Red variety
  • Tonda Musona Organic - large, round and white skinned and fleshed
  • Piatta Di Bergamo - aka "Flat onion from Bergamo" a small, flat, reddish-brown onion
  • Tropea rossa lunga - known as the torpedo or bottle shaped onion, a red variety!
These last three were from from The Italian Gardener
Radish Beauty Heart Raphanus sativus from Mr Fothergill's into a wicking box
Radish Oriental Raphanus sativus from DT Brown direct sown into Bed 20
Potting up/on:
Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Cabbage Red from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Cabbage Verona from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Chervil Curled from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Lemon Verbena from cuttings taken
Lettuce Drunken Woman from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Lettuce Red and Green Salad Mix from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Nasturtiums volunteers removed when planting Garlic in Bed 4
Parsley Triple Curled from bought seedlings
Poached Egg Plant from Seeds sown 23 Feb 12
Seedlings planted out:
Kale Tuscan Black
Kale Red Bor
Kale Moretons Mix - some light green varieties
Planted into Bed 19
Mizuna Purple in Bed 12
Broccoli Green Dome in Bed 12
Garlic a mixture of cloves saved from last years crop plus a few cloves from some organic garlic from the markets planted into Bed 4
Garlic Elephant saved from last years crop planted with the Kale in Bed 19
Lemon scented Geranium Pelargonium crispum minor
Ivy Leaf Geranium Pelargonium peltatum various colours
'Borrowed' from a friends house
Next Week To Do:
Prepare beds for more seedling planting
Plant Pea seedlings as soon as roots show at the base of the loo rolls.
Clean out Faverolles' house
Clear and tidy driveway with Doc's help!
Harvest Tally:
Doesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making.
Beans Roc D'Or 191g
Capsicum California Wonder 283g
Capsicum Hungarian Yellow Wax 38g
Eggplant Casper 76g
Eggplant Long Purple 229g
Onions Sweet Domenica 318g
Pumpkin Australian Butter 876g
Tomato Money Maker 1079g
Eggs: total for the week 20
15 From the 5 Farmyard Ferals
0 From the Lone Barnevelder
5 From the 5 Faverolles
Bed 19 which is really in the front garden now has been cleared and had the soil refreshed with well rotted cow manure and Neutrog organic fertilizer. A mixture of Kale seedlings have been planted and a net placed over the bed. This will keep off the moths and also the grasshoppers (locusts) that are hanging around at the moment.
As this area is being re-designed with young children in mind the edge of the tank has been covered over with a length of hose split down the middle and attached with cable ties.
Bed 20 on the other side of the Cob Oven has also been tidied a length of dog mesh cut from the old front dividing fence was just the right size to wrap around the bed. This will allow some peas to climb up. The shadecloth was attached to lessen the shock of the final blast of summer sun on the Beetroot that has spent most of the summer under the leaves of other plants. It will be removed before the peas go in and more hose will be attached to the edges of the tank.
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Planting Plan for Autumn HERE This is updated as planting occurs.