Early Autumn in the Front Garden

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

When I posted at the end of September I included a photo of the front garden, which I rarely post pictures of.  One of my readers suggested that I post more often on the front garden as it looks interesting so here you go.  It is timely as the planting in the front garden was designed to peak at this time of year.

If you look carefully there is a gravel path in a curve through the garden.  It is rarely used as the only place it actually goes is to the side access to the back garden but it does give me access to the planting.
I created the front garden space just over two years ago.  It was previously mainly lawn and unloved.  So the lawn came up and I planted the space mainly with late summer/early autumn perennials which were being rehoused from the back garden. There are several different asters here as well as rudbeckia and sedum – I’m not sure about the yellow rudbeckia and the red mauve sedums together but it’s a passing phase.

The grasses are Calmagrostis ‘Overdam’.  There are is also some Fennel and Euphorbia in the border which give more interest earlier in the year.   The structure is provided a Phormium; two Sorbus – one Sorbus aucuparia  and Sorbus pseudohupehenis ‘Pink Pagoda; a birch; and two Grevilleas – Canberra Gem and Grevillea victoriae.  The space is surrounded by beech and laurel hedges.

So that’s my front garden – hope you enjoyed the whistle top tour
