Dusting The Cobwebs Out

Posted on the 22 May 2014 by Polliticstoday @polliticstoday

Hello…..is this thing on?

Yes this post is actually happening….I don’t know how many people will read this but after a bit of a hiatus (ya know, the garden variety half-year breaks that we are all so accustomed to); I’m in the process of starting to want to discuss politics again.

To those who read this blog, all eight of you, I apologize for the long absence.  I’m perfectly fine, I graduated college and still can’t find a job in my career (I’m making a little bit of money in the produce section of my local supermarket) which has taken a bit of a toll on me.  But I have a ton of spare time now and in between Netflix marathons (Mad Men, House of Cards and now in the midst of Season 2 of Breaking Bad); I decided that I started missing politics again.

But to explain why I was gone, well Bridegate did me in.  In my local state, such blatant acts of political corruption got under my skin.  It made me angry but also disillusioned.  It seemed ridiculous to talk about future elections and give my best reporting, plus I was dedicated to trying and find a job.  It sucked.  In fact I completely ignored all things political minus the occasional “like” of a Facebook status that corresponded with my views.

It was also rough to pour your heart and soul into something and only get about 50 views a day.  Selfish yes, but after over a year of blogging, I thought I would have some steady readership.  But I’m going to start posting what I want to post and hope the eyes turn back on to this.  Really I hope so.

Now I realized I actually miss all of this.  I’m angry again but now I want to do things.  I want to do my best to give my opinion instead of staying silent.  I was sick of having something that was unfinished.  I can’t promise you I will update as frequently but now Pollitics Today will be something to at least check out.

So sit back and enjoy, hopefully you will come back and read!