Dusk Pale Ale – The Parkside Brewery

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

​From Port Moody's The Parkside Brewery comes their "Dusk Pale Ale". The beer pours a golden copper colour with an off white head. The aroma consists of citrus, floral hops and some biscuit. The flavour is of biscuit and grain, grassy hops, citrus, citrus rind, floral hops and very mild bitterness. The alcohol content comes in at 5.3% with an IBU of 30. This is a well made Pale Ale and well worth picking up if you see it in stores.

This entry was posted in Pale Ale and tagged bc, Biscuit, canada, citrus, citrus rind, dusk pale ale, grain, grainy, grassy, mild bitter, mild bitterness, pale ale, port moody, the parkside brewery.