Anyway, I try a really nice mango pudding at a party and LK pointed me to the recipe that she used.
So I modified that and turned it into a Durian Pudding instead as I like the texture.
What you need:
9g (1 tbsp) gelatine powder
40ml water
60g sugar
100ml water250g durian puree
80ml whipping cream
In a small bowl, sprinkle gelatine powder over 40ml water. Let it sit for 10 mins to bloom.
Remove durian from seeds and puree it or you can press it through a sieve.
In a medium saucepan, add in 100ml water and sugar. On low heat stir until sugar dissolved.
Remove from heat and add in bloomed gelatine. Stir until gelatine dissolved.
Add in durian puree and mix well.
Add in fresh cream and mix well.
Pour the pudding mixture into moulds or ramekins.
Cover with cling wrap and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight for the puddings to completely set.
Serve cold.