Dung Beetle Award No.2 Goes To...

Posted on the 08 April 2014 by Hughvw
The Academy of Dung Beetles Award has been rolled towards New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who enjoys escaping reality for a few hours and fantasizing about brutally murdering her political opponents. Dowd wrote in her Sunday column that she wished Washington resembled Game of Thrones  — and that she could witness the murders of entire families, gaze upon stakes bearing defeated foes’ heads, and watch House Republicans get their throats slit a la the infamous Red Wedding. “After a marathon of three seasons of ‘Game’ and the beginning of the fourth, starting this Sunday, I’m ready to forgo reality for fantasy,” Dowd wrote. “Who wants to cover Chris Christie’s petty little revenge schemes in New Jersey once you’ve seen the gory revenge grandeur of the Red Wedding? Who wants to see W.’s portraits of leaders once you’re used to King Joffrey putting leaders’ heads on stakes?”  Read more: