Duchess Kate Was Keen to Be Seen in Polka-dotted Kate Spade Today

Posted on the 28 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Duchess Kate was keen to be seen in polka-dotted Kate Spade today

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced their engagement yesterday, and the day was full of royal coverage across all of the gossip/entertainment media. Most sites and media outlets drew comparisons between Meghan and the Duchess of Cambridge. I did as well, which caused a few minor sh-tstorms from Kate-defenders. It’s going to be a really long engagement stage if you Keen-fans get touchy every time Kate is mentioned alongside Meghan. Personally, I don’t think it bothers the Keen fans that Kate is mentioned alongside Meghan, I think it bothers them when comparisons are drawn and Kate is the one found wanting.
Anyway, I predicted that Meg and Harry would announce on Monday because I correctly read the tea leaves. Part of the “tea-leaf-reading” was that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were exceedingly extra in their public schedule last week, making unannounced appearances and suddenly being solicitous with photographers. Almost like they knew what was coming and they wanted to make sure no one forgot about them. Well, surprise, Kate also had to make a solo appearance today in London, at the Foundling Museum. Kate is normally so keen to disappear for weeks, sometimes months at a time. It’s remarkable that she chose the end of November to suddenly do, like, six events in the span of a week. It’s so special, and different.
Kate wore a polka-dotted and buttony Kate Spade dress for today’s appearance. Polka dots are like buttons built into the fabric!! This Spade dress is apparently from the Resort line and it’s not even being sold yet. Kate was especially keen to speak to the press today too, which is also very special and unique!
A day after her brother-in-law Prince Harry announced his engagement to Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton was all smiles as she stepped out for the first time since the big engagement news.
“William and I are absolutely thrilled,” she told reporters early Tuesday at the Foundling Museum in London. “It’s such exciting news. It’s a really happy time for any couple and we wish them all the best and hope they enjoy this happy moment.”
[From People]
I mean, what is she going to say? “OY, I NEED EMERGENCY BUTTONS TO GET THROUGH THIS TRYING TIME.” We’ll see, y’all. I mean, there will be years and years of this. This is a gossip marathon, not a sprint. The Kate vs. Meghan comparisons will become an entire industry. And you know what? The Windsors are actually happy about that. If we’re talking about Kate and Meghan, that means we’re not talking about royal tax dodges and how much the Buckingham Palace repairs will cost.
See Princess Kate wish Prince Harry and Meghan well on their engagement pic.twitter.com/6oxL4rD4SF
— Simon Perry (@SPerryPeoplemag) November 28, 2017

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: Duchess Kate was keen to be seen in polka-dotted Kate Spade today

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