Duchess Kate Changed into Jeggings & a Striped Shirt for a German Boat Race

Posted on the 20 July 2017 by Sumithardia

Duchess Kate changed into jeggings & a striped shirt for a German boat race

Something I’ll never really understand about the younger royals is their insistence on “doing things their own way” and not being the kind of royal figures who just “show up” to cut ribbons or whatever. I guess I don’t understand why they bitch about that kind of thing because honestly, that stuff seems like A) very easy work and B) actually kind of fun. While I’m sure it’s a bummer to visit two Holocaust-related memorials in two days’ time, the rest of the Cambridges’ trip has been all fun stuff. Garden parties, private lunches, making pretzels, and literally just going around and shaking hands with commoners. If someone would pay me in castles and a $100,000 a month wardrobe budget, I would love to do this sh-t. I would do it EVERY DAY.
So, these are some additional photos from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s Day 4 in Germany. They took part in a rowing race on the River Necker in Heidelberg. William and Kate were in different boats and William’s boat won the race. This is their work. This is what they complain about and why they make so many excuses. This is what they don’t want to expose their children to – garden parties and boat races and making pretzels. Will and Kate even got “medals” for their boat racing skillz. THEY DIDN’T EVEN ROW.
Kate wore what she always wears for these kinds of outings – a blue-and-white striped shirt. This is one we haven’t seen before! Usually, she goes with a more nautical-seeming navy and white. This is more of a turquoise and off-white. I actually really like it. Hello Mag says it’s probably J. Crew. She paired the shirt with jeggings and comfortable looking sneakers.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: Duchess Kate changed into jeggings & a striped shirt for a German boat race

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