Dual Colour Bread

By Cathysjoy

Dual Colour Bread

200g Blue Jacket Bread Flour
100g Blue Jacket wholemeal Flour
4g instant yeast
20g sugar
6g salt
240mls water
12g coconut oil
1 Tbsp sweet potato powder
dried cranberries 
chia seeds
1. Mix all the ingredients together in a mixer & mix it at a low speed until everything just combine. Continue kneading till dough is smooth & elastic. Check for window pane stage. Divide dough into 2 portions & add in sweet potato powder in one of the doughs & knead till combined. Proof for 1hr.2. De-gas bothdoughs. Roll out the plain dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle chia seeds on top. Roll out the sweet potato dough. Placed it on top of the plain dough & sprinkle cranberries. Roll up like a swissroll & place it into a prepared greased pullman tin. Proof for 1hr.4. Baked in a preheated oven @ 180C for 40mins.