Du Châtelet Prize in Philosophy of Physics

By Wuthrich

Submissions are invited for the 2020 Du Châtelet Prize in Philosophy of Physics. The topic for this year’s prize is: Mathematics as a tool of conceptual innovation in physical theory and/or experiment, 1780-1890.

The winner will receive $1000, an invitation to participate in a workshop to be held at Duke University, and an invitation to have their paper considered for publication in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.

The prize is open to graduate students and to scholars within 5 years of PhD. Submissions should not exceed 10,000 words. The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2020. The members of this year’s prize committee are: Katherine Brading (Duke University), Janet Folina (Macalester College), Doreen Fraser(University of Waterloo), Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech) and Sheldon Smith (UCLA). For more details of the prize and of submissions requirements, please go to https://duchateletprize.org.

The Du Châtelet Prize in Philosophy of Physics is supported by Duke University in collaboration with Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
