Dry Fruits and Nuts Ladoo Recipe,how to Make Dry Fruits Ladoo | Ladoo Recipes

By Harini

Today I have a healthy recipe for you all without much of artificial ingredients.Sound's boring?, ok let me put it this way,I am gonna blog about a delicious sweet treat that is absolutely healthy too,if you are not yet sold,here is the most impressive part,this sweet little ladoo contains a dash of nutella and now there is no other go for you but love this :). Yeah this is our traditional and humble dry fruits and nuts ladoo with just a small interesting twist,nutella.It all started this way,do you remember my homemade nutties chocolate,when I made that my kid and husband were all behind it .My daughter was demanding for it everyday,so I wanted to make something for her which will resemble nutties yet healthy too. So I thought of making this laddo and shaping them tiny,also added just 2 teaspoons of nutella so that there will be a hint of chocolate flavor,it is purely optional.Other than nutella,these ladoos contain nothing artificial or processed,no refined sugar,no flavoring agents,the dried fruits and nuts provide all the taste,texture and flavor to these little treats. This is a very simple and easy recipe and there are no absolute measurements here.Do you love dates,go ahead and add more,like figs add 'em too. There are tons of recipes for making these ladoos and here is how I made them.

If you are looking for treating your kids with more such healthy dishes,check
Butter cookies with multi grain flour
Cherry-chocolate smoothie
Eggless beetroot-nutella pancake with wheat flour
Potato poori
Dry fruits and nuts ladoo recipe
Star ingredients: Dry fruits and nuts
Time:15 minutes
Yield:30 mini ladoos
18-20 pitted dates
10 dried figs
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup roasted nuts (almonds,pistachios and cashews)
2 teaspoons nutella
1 teaspoon ghee
Grated coconut for topping
1.Soak dry fruits in hot water for 20 minutes.Drain and chop the dates and figs coarsely.
2. Dry roast the nuts and allow them to cool.
3.Pulse the roasted nuts and chopped dry fruits until they resemble fine crumbs.
4.Heat a kadai and add ghee.Add the pulsed  dry fruits-nutsand saute for 2-3 minutes.
5.Add the nutella and mix well,saute for 2-3 more minutes,the whole mixture will turn to a big lump and non sticky.
6.Remove from flame and allow to cool for 15 minutes.Once the mixture is warm to touch,apply some ghee to your palms and shape them into mini ladoos.
7.Roll over dessicated coconut and serve.
1.It is optional to top with coconut,you can even use almond flakes or pistachio flakes.
2.You can use seeds like pumpkin melon etc along with nutes
3.You can even use walnuts in this recipe
4.You can store these for 2-3 days in refrigerator